Vibrant Textile Expo 2023


The Fedration of Gujarat Wever Wefare Association ( FOGWA ) has announced its plans to organise the Vibrant Textile Expo 2023 in U.A.E The event aims to showcase the rich heritage and craftsmanship of Gujarat’s weaving
industry on a global platform. FOGWA, formed in 2000, has been dedicated to the welafare of weavers and weaving industry Gujarat, India. with over 6.5 lakh shuttle looms and 1.2 lakh high-speed weaving machines, surat
is a hub of innovation and creativity in the weaving world. The Vibrant textile Expo 2023 in U.A.E will provide a larger textile community to showcase thier skills and product, bringing more value to their work and increasing
their reach to the global audeince.

U.A.E, with its vibrant and diverse culture , is the perfect destination to host an event like this. The city’s passion for fashion and design , combined with its strategic location, makes it an ideal platform to shawcase INDIA’s
industry to the world.